MTL - Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse-Chapter 568

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Every outside **** has his own plan, and his central thinking is pure, it is really for the so-called freedom, and the mind is as deep as Kunajee. The thought in his heart is to overthrow the rule of the ancient **** and sit on the throne by himself. Control everything in the universe.

When everyone estimated that the other two ancient gods had been far away from here, the sea scorpion Gaya stopped the blow of the sea breeze, the wind stopped, and the five foreign gods on the rock knew that this was the signal, so ten The powerful energy rushed to the dark palace on the tens of thousands of miles.

But when they passed through the thunderclouds, the lightning in the thundercloud hit them. These thunderclouds are the protective means specially set by the ancient gods. Their main purpose is to prevent the evil spirits from the outside gods in case they take the opportunity to make trouble. Only established.

After Thundercloud's lightning hit them, the ancient gods in the dark palace discovered them. The ancient gods were so angry that they did not expect that they created something that they wanted to overthrow themselves. This ambition cannot let them continue.

Therefore, the **** outside the anger of the outside, the ten foreign gods were seriously injured, and the ancient gods did not even go out of the palace, relying on the energy of the outside to grow bigger.

In order to punish these gods, the ancient gods really killed them, but out of inhumanity, he just killed six foreign gods and sealed their bodies in the 'Lost City'. The remaining four gods also Was assigned to the 'Lost City' to let them four guard the bodies of the other six foreign gods, let them sleep all the time, without the command of the ancient gods, they are not allowed to wake up, and still under the four remaining gods Forbidden, once someone of these four gods exchanged their lives for the lives of other gods, then the **** of sacrifice could not be resurrected again. This is another punishment that the ancient gods gave to them.

Seeing here, the illusion disappeared, Lin Feng returned to reality, and there was no Qingyue Jia’s figure in front of him. Lin Xiaobao and Dong Wu’s time around them disappeared. It seems that Qingyi Gae told Lin Feng all After the secret, I left.

"Is it not good, is it because I want to use my life to exchange for the life of Kunajee?"

Lin Feng finally figured out all the things, from the Qingyi Gah to blow the funeral for himself, to just showed himself all the secrets, which shows that there is nothing to be nostalgic about the Qingyi Gai, after telling the secret of the whole department I am going to wake up Kunajee who is sleeping under the sea of ​​death.

Lin Xiaobao and Dong Wu did not find time to ban, they saw Lin Feng suddenly ran away, did not know what happened, or the silver wolf's reaction quickly, seeing Lin Feng ran over, the silver wolf also rushed to follow Lin Feng I ran behind me.

"Don't look at it, let's go, it must be something happening. It is better to follow Lin Feng in this horrible place."

Lin Xiaobao said that he took the Dong Wu and followed the past.

They ran from the coastline along the Dead Sea, running for a few kilometers. Dong Wu and Lin Xiaobao behind him were too tired to see Lin Feng and the Silver Wolf stopped.

They are still on the shores of the Sea of ​​Death. The scope of the Sea of ​​Death is incalculable. The world of death and the sea of ​​death are contained. Their world history cannot be estimated, and the scope of the world is immeasurable. How far they ran, they are still on the shore of the Dead Sea.

In front of Lin Feng is a helpless man standing alone on the shore of the sea of ​​death. His helpless eyes and lonely look reveal his unwillingness, knowing that he will not be born again, but he I still choose to die. This attachment is unmatched by human beings. It is something humans can't try. It is a tacit understanding between the gods. This attachment is the belief of the gods against the ancient gods. It is the real hope of the gods. free.

The reason why the gods are sealed here is because the gods have done things against the ancient gods. Although the young gods know who the ancient gods are, what the ancient gods are, but in the resistance of many foreign gods He chose silence, silence represents everything he knows, and silence represents his apology to other gods.

But the gods are always outside gods. They have carried out the inhumane slaughter and destruction of the humans of the 'Lost City' because of the same race of human beings and the ancient gods. Even for revenge, they deliberately framed other gods into low-level zombies. Let the surviving foreign gods produce huge resentment and make substantial retaliation against human beings. This kind of thinking is so dense that it is the inferior quality that human beings and other species cannot surpass.

Qinglan Gae is the foreign **** who knows all the truth at present. He knows the truth of all things by the power of the wind. He knows what the purpose of Kunajer is. He also knows how powerful the ancient **** is, but he chooses Silence, in fact, is for the redemption of oneself, the atonement between the creator and the companion, can solve all the sources of the present, only through the past, telling the truth and the true power of the ancient **** before the event happens, so that everything It won't happen, but Qinglan Gae does not have this power. Crossing is a combination of time and space. Qinglan Gae does not have this power, but Lin Feng is the person most likely to get this power, so Qingyi Gae I am willing to tell Lin Feng all the secrets. When I wait for Lin Feng to have all the power, I can go back to the past and change the situation at that time. This will make the Qinge Gaya resurrected because of the change of the time and the river. Disappeared, the sleeping **** will not repeat the same mistakes.

Crossing is an abbreviation for crossing time and space. Popularity refers to the fact that a character goes through a process (and can have no reason without a process) for a certain reason, from the time and space (transition to another time and space event).

If the younger brother Gaya crosses the past and returns to the scene before the incident, then he can stop everything from happening, and other sleeping gods will reawaken, including the dead Agurah will reappear in In front of people.

It’s no longer important that the gods are good or bad. Now that you know that there is a stronger existence than the gods, it is the ancient god. It seems to be a creature that existed thousands of years ago. According to the god, the ancient **** and The human yard is of the same race, and the 'Lost City' was created by the gods under the guidance of the ancient gods. If the **** is a creator, it is better to say that the ancient **** is the creator of the creator, and the ancient **** created the god. The gods created people and the humans changed into ancient gods. It seems that everything is in the cycle of time.

Lin Feng walked to the side of the shore of the green gay, and suddenly used the power of time.

