MTL - Go Legend-~ Welcome to the 20th National Congress, take a day off

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  Welcome to the 20th National Congress and ask for a day off

   Well, the real reason is that Uncle Seven has a meeting in the afternoon, and he has to teach a few graduate students in the evening, so there is no way to update it.

This book is about to end, so let's spoil it. Since the final climax is set to be five games, it must be played 5 games. Uncle Qi strives to show his understanding of dogs through these 5 games. .

   However, for the final outcome, there will be no spoilers for now.

   Anyway, it's just this month, there will be 10 to 15 chapters at most, and the book will be all over.

   Finally, please support us again, thank you!

   (end of this chapter)