MTL - Reborn in Brazil As a Plutocrat-Chapter 416 high risk assessment

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  Chapter 416 High Risk Assessment

  Alvin Rockefeller also fell into contemplation after hearing Marshall's words. Of course he knew about road construction. If there is money to be made in road construction, the answer is yes.

  However, the income of this business is too single, and it requires heavy capital investment. The initial construction time may take three to five years, during which time no benefit can be seen at all.

   And these consortiums are very clear in their hearts that the entire European aid plan is now planned according to four fiscal years.

   That is to say, when the road is built, the European aid plan may come to an end. Everyone has no idea what Europe will be like at that time.

   More importantly, everyone understands that the European aid plan has a more important goal, which is to curb the penetration and development of the Soviet Communist Party. Look at the various industries in the areas controlled by the Soviet Communist Party, almost all of them have been nationalized.

  Whether these big consortiums or capitalists, who would be willing to take such a big risk for such heavy capital investment? If you don't do it well, you will lose all your money.

   Now, most of the people participating in this plan are actually here for the aid funds from the state. In addition, they just want to take the opportunity to buy some high-value industries in European countries.

  As for a pure fixed asset project such as a road, once it is built, it cannot be withdrawn at all. Once it is nationalized, it will lose everything.

  There is only one way to recover the investment from the road, and that is to obtain the franchise right of the road. In layman's terms, it is the right to toll. The fee collected is used to repay the cost of road construction, maintenance, operation and labor expenses.

  So, generally this kind of project needs to be led by state-owned capital, but the current European countries obviously do not have the ability and funds to take the lead in restoring the road transportation network in their territory.

  The appearance of the European aid plan at this time obviously made many countries find a way to take advantage of it.

   But it is clear that the U.S. aid to Europe is not to be taken advantage of. The entire aid plan is only 13.1 billion U.S. dollars, which is distributed to so many countries in Europe, and each country may be worth more than one billion U.S. dollars.

  If you really use this money to build roads in Europe, you may be able to barely connect some major cities. This is still in the case of road foundations.

  But the funds of this aid plan need to be used to purchase technology, equipment and basic living materials from the United States.

  If you want to build roads, you can't directly purchase steel bars and cement from the United States! How much American capital can be driven to participate in this way! Don't say that American taxpayers will not agree, and even consortiums will not support it.

  Rockefeller, who knows the situation in the United States, is of course very aware of these situations, so he also frowned after hearing Marshall raise this difficult problem.

   directly opened the mouth and said:

   "We are just providing assistance, how do we make it seem like we owe each other?"

   This made Marshall look embarrassed, glanced at Charles Morgan, and said helplessly:

  "These European countries also understand that our aid is not actually free, so they will be a little bit loud."

   Fang Lang caught this look immediately, and at this moment he couldn't help but wonder if all this was a trap set by the Morgan consortium, wanting him to stand up and take on the business.

   After all, Rockefeller's presence was clearly an accident.

  Fang Lang still can't see the conspiracy clearly, but he knows very well that no one company can undertake this business alone.

  There are so many consortiums who want to participate in the assistance plan, and others have put forward conditions, so it is impossible for one family to take over this mess. Let others go crazy for money!

   Thinking of this, Fang Lang glanced at Morgan and the others calmly, and then slowly said:

   "This kind of project can be proposed by the governments of various countries and apply for loans from banks!

  As long as these governments can provide suitable collateral, I believe that raising funds to build infrastructure is not a problem, is it? "

   This made the Morgan family frowned. After all, the Morgan family is the only one of the few consortiums here that started their business with finance, and they must be the ones who can provide loans.

  But now they are obviously unwilling to invest a lot of money in places that are not yet uncertain.

  Actually, the reason why Fang Lang felt that there was a conspiracy in it, but couldn't find out what was wrong was that he had the vision to see through the fog of history.

  Be able to know what the future history will be like.

  But whether it is the consortia or politicians in this period, they do not have full confidence in the current form. Now whether it is Turkey and Greece, which are on the front line of resisting the Soviet Communist Party, or other European countries, such as Germany, Italy, France and so on.

  There are a large number of political parties and people who believe in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the country, and even the parties established in several countries have become the largest local parties.

  This is also the reason why the political situation in various countries was chaotic during this period.

And the United States and the United Kingdom, as the boss and second child of capitalism, of course have to find ways to maintain the order of the capitalist world. This is why the United Kingdom is still trying its best to support Turkey and Greece even when it is itself very difficult. .

  Because they know very well that if the people of Turkey and Greece cannot get a good life under their social order, they will throw themselves into the embrace of the Soviet Communist Party without hesitation.

   Once Turkey and Greece fall, the whole of Europe will fall one after another like dominoes. This situation is absolutely unacceptable to the US and British governments representing the interests of the big bourgeoisie and the big landlord class.

  This is also the reason why the United States insists on advancing the European aid plan, knowing that it may be strongly rebounded by the domestic people.

Even in history, when Marshall gave a speech on the steps of the Memorial Church in Harvard Garden, announcing that the United States was ready to help Europe recover, in order to avoid the attention of American newspapers on the speech, no American journalists were specially invited to the speech site, and Truman also deliberately A press conference was held on the same day to divert domestic media attention.

  Fang Lang from later generations is very clear that this European aid plan has actually achieved his goal.

Of course, this plan is only one of the means to maintain the capitalist world order. It is already January 1947. In March, Lao Du will deliver a speech at the joint meeting of the two houses of Congress, declaring: All countries in the world today They are all faced with the choice of two different ways of life.

   And this is also the announcement of the beginning of "Lao Du Doctrine", which also marks the official start of the confrontation between the two world hegemonies.

  People standing in the fog of history can't see the future, but they can see the strength of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, so even the old American people who have big gun battles don't have absolute confidence that they are definitely the winning side.

  Therefore, everyone is highly wary of this kind of total asset investment project of road traffic.

   It was not until Lao Duism officially began to be implemented in Greece and Turkey, and the United States sent troops to successfully intervene in the Greek civil war and won the victory, that these large consortiums and capitalists gradually built up their confidence in fighting the Soviet Communist Party.

  As more and more victories were achieved later, various consortiums and big capitalists completely believed that they could win the final victory, and their investment in European countries increased.

  That is to say, although these big consortiums and big capitalists have seen the huge benefits behind this European aid plan, everyone still has certain doubts about whether this plan will be successful in the end.

  Everyone's eyes are now mainly focused on the $13.1 billion in aid funds that the U.S. government can provide. Therefore, the major consortiums do not want to invest large sums of money in European countries now.

  This is why the preparations for the European aid plan have already begun, but they were not implemented immediately. Instead, after the announcement of the "Lao Du Doctrine", with the support of the powerful military power of the United States, they were first rehearsed in Greece and Turkey.

   After both Greece and Turkey had won, the entire aid plan was officially announced the following year and quickly launched, and this process was even more **** and violent.

   Almost all of them are carried out with the cooperation of the US military, which is why the United States will have nearly a thousand military bases around the world in later generations.

  Of course, these are the directions for subsequent specific implementation. Although the various consortiums are not absolutely sure, they are very clear about how much benefit this plan can bring.

  With the lure of such great benefits, capitalists will try their best to promote the implementation of this plan. As for whether it will trigger a new world war, it is not something capitalists should care about.

   After all, they don't need to go to war, but they can make another war fortune.

  So, this so-called European aid plan has never been a purely economic aid plan. Rather, it is a sugar coating used to coat the shells.

  While accepting this aid, European countries must also accept military intervention from the United States. Of course, this intervention is packaged under the cloak of NATO allies.

  Fang Lang even once suspected that it was precisely because of this that Truman would choose to let a five-star general serve as the secretary of state in the civilian post.

  Now, the reason why everyone is hesitant about this type of infrastructure project is because of risk assessment considerations.

   Some people may also think that since you are not sure, you can put it aside first! It's not too late to say it when the time comes. But in fact, before starting to implement such a large plan, these large consortiums must first make a good distribution of benefits.

   Otherwise, when the time comes, everyone will know that there is a lot of money to be made here, and everyone will rush in one direction, wouldn't it be a mess?

  And the difficult problem that General Marshall raised now is exactly the tough bone that no one is willing to take over.

  If these benefits are not distributed well before the official start of the plan, everyone just wants to eat meat and not gnaw bones, which will inevitably affect the follow-up plan for everyone to make a fortune together.

   That's why Marshall says it's a hard problem.

  Fang Lang's words made Morgan frown, but it made Marshall's eyes shine. As a military strategist and politician, his goal is not whether the consortia can make money, or how much money they can make.

   Rather, whether his political ideals and ambitions can be realized, when he heard Fang Lang's words, he understood that there was room for manipulation.

It's not that he doesn't understand such a simple truth, but he has already had a round of communication with the Morgan consortium and other consortiums on this matter, but everyone is obviously unwilling to invest funds in it. This kind of effect is slow and the risks are huge. asset item.

   His uninvited visit today was because the Morgan family deliberately asked him to raise this question in front of Fang Lang again to create pressure on Fang Lang.

   After all, now that Fang Lang is staring at his share of grain exports, he only wants to get the most out of the whole plan, but he hasn't paid enough. It's time for him to understand that there is no free lunch in the world.

  The reason why these big consortiums can eat the fattest and biggest meat is because they also have to face the toughest bones.

   Unexpectedly, this guy said lightly, just ask the governments of various countries to mortgage loans, what else should he say? If there is no risk of political turmoil, anyone who doesn't know can build roads with loans and make money by charging fees.

   You can believe that the regime of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union doesn’t care about you! All capitalists' things are directly confiscated! If the plan fails at that time, this type of asset-heavy investment will be a lost business.

  Even their Morgan family may be directly bankrupt and liquidated. Who would dare to take such a risk?

   “Governments of various countries are of course willing to provide suitable collateral, and are even willing to make appropriate concessions in other aspects such as the franchise period.

  As long as the road traffic in various countries can be restored as soon as possible, the local economic conditions will definitely grow rapidly.

   This is very important to the rapid recovery of the entire European economy, so I sincerely hope that gentlemen can seriously consider it. "

  At this time, Marshall didn't care about Morgan's eyes, but quickly responded to Fang Lang's words. After all, he came here not only to help the Morgan family, but more importantly, he urgently needed to find a solution to the problem.

  Everyone understands what he said, but at this time, no one is willing to take on this high-risk business.

  Avery Morgan, who has always been close to Fang Lang, tilted his head to Fang Lang and whispered:

  “It’s not that everyone doesn’t know the importance of transportation, nor is it that everyone is unwilling to invest in road construction. The main reason is that the risk is too high. Take Greece as an example. The Greek Democratic Army formed last year has faced several confrontations with government forces.

   Instead of being wiped out, the strength has become stronger and stronger, and now it has a team of nearly 30,000 people.

  If, once the Democratic Army wins, all our early investment will be in vain. "

  After hearing Ellie Morgan's words, Fang Lang said a little puzzled:

   "Hasn't our army stepped in to interfere?"

  Fang Lang didn't lower his voice when he said this, everyone heard it, and everyone looked at Fang Lang in surprise.

  After Marshall heard the words, he coughed slightly in embarrassment and said:

   "Ahem. This is the internal affairs of other countries. How can we send troops to interfere at will?"

   Now it was Fang Lang's turn to be surprised. He quickly realized why everyone gave such a high risk assessment to road construction. It turned out that although Fatty Qiu from the United Kingdom gave a speech in the United States.

  But at this time, American Lao Du didn't know whether he hadn't thought of Lao Du's doctrine, or it was in the brewing stage.

  In short, the Yankees have obviously not yet begun to form the ideology of the future world police, and have begun to dictate the internal affairs of countries around the world.

   To some extent, I still need to save face, and I don’t want to unscrupulously regard myself as the savior of the capitalist world.

  (end of this chapter)

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