MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 1

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"Senior sister, I'm the only one treating guests today." Lin Siyun said obediently.

"Oh, you look a bit like a school girl today." Jiang Shuyi's tone rose.

Lin Siyun nodded, "Because I'm worried about you, senior. If you cry to death, I'll be by your side to comfort you."

"..." Jiang Shuyi glared at her, pretending to be calm and said: "I will never cry."

Although yesterday when Yanbi notified her, she did cry in the lab for a while, and even yelled at the professor for being inhuman.

But she has let go.

Her grief does not last overnight.

Lin Siyun patted her on the shoulder amusedly, and led her to the reserved restaurant.

"Why did you come to Qinghai Pavilion?" Jiang Shuyi looked at the Chinese restaurant and became depressed for a while.

She usually came here for dinner, so she just put up with it, but she still came here today.

Jiang Shuyi is a person who loves all kinds of spicy food, and Chinese restaurants with Lu cuisine like Qinghai Pavilion are not interesting to her at all.

"But sister, don't you always book a box here? I thought you liked the food here." Lin Siyun's tone was a little puzzled.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Lin Siyun dissatisfied, "That's because Professor Wen can't eat spicy food. As a low-level student, I can't drag someone who can't eat spicy food to eat hot pot, right?"

As soon as Professor Wen was mentioned, Jiang Shuyi's mood turned bad again, she hammered her chest, "Tsk, it seems that I have to deal with this Qinghai Pavilion for a while, I really want to eat hot pot."

Seeing her unhappy look, Lin Siyun pursed her lips, "Then why don't we go to the red leaf hot pot opposite? I want to treat you to something delicious, senior."

"No need, the reservations are all made, and I will eat here today. If you really want to express, I will pay the bill today and I will treat you." Jiang Shuyi walked in and took out his membership card, "Hotpot Just ask me next time."

"...Sister." Lin Siyun was a little moved.

The two walked to the front desk and began to report their names.

At this time, a person walked slowly beside the two of them, "Hi, I reserved a private room..."

A male voice sounded from beside her.

Jiang Shuyi felt that the voice was extremely harsh, so he frowned.

She looked up and saw a man in a suit and leather shoes with unruly hair slowly handing the card to the front desk.

Jiang Shuyi quickly turned his face away.

"Hiss, hell."

She didn't expect to meet Xiao Jiayu every meal.

Xiao Jiayu is an associate professor in the same department of their university. I heard that he has a lot of Omega fans in the department, and he is also respected by Alpha.

But Jiang Shuyi didn't like this person, and even secretly nicknamed him "Little Turtle" in homonym behind his back.

As soon as she turned her face away, Xiao Jiayu laughed.

"Hey? Jiang Shuyi? Did you come out for dinner with your girlfriend?" Xiao Jiayu chuckled softly, "Why are you avoiding me? Am I not your teacher? Or do you think Professor Wen is the only teacher you have?" ?”

"I didn't hide from you..." Just as Jiang Shuyi was about to speak, a cold voice sounded from behind her.

"Associate Professor Xiao, let's go."

Hearing this sound, Jiang Shuyi turned his neck stiffly.

An Omega stepped on black high heels and walked to Xiao Jiayu's side.

The streamlined and capable blue suit wrapped her exquisite body, and a simple and elegant long skirt with hips fully displayed her calm personality.

Professor Wen's face is still as cold as ice today, but the long black hair that is usually tied around the ear seems to be put down specially today, looking a little gentle.

"Hi Professor..."

Jiang Shuyi did not expect that the professor would come to eat with the little turtle.

This is not at all like what Professor Wen, who works overtime and stays up late every day, did.

"Hello, Professor Wen." Lin Siyun also hurriedly whispered hello.

Wen Yao saw Jiang Shuyi and Lin Siyun beside her and nodded expressionlessly, "Hello."

Xiao Jiayu waved his hand, "Then eat slowly, Professor Wen and I will go up first."

He stretched out his hand in a gentlemanly manner, indicating to Wen Yao that the box he reserved was in front of him.

Wen Yao stopped looking at Jiang Shuyi and the others, and walked upstairs without saying anything.

"Sister, this is..." Lin Siyun turned her head to look at Jiang Shuyi's face, and fell silent for a moment.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the direction the two were walking with murderous intent on his face.

It seems that the senior still has a lot of resentment towards her graduation. Lin Siyun thought carefully.


"..." Jiang Shuyi silently ate the peanuts in front of him, as if he regarded the peanuts as his own class enemy.

"Sister, do you think Professor Wen and Professor Xiao are together?" Lin Siyun asked curiously.

Jiang Shuyi thought of the matching backs of the two just now, and got up angrily, "Why are you asking me? She has nothing to do with me."

But Lin Siyun is restless, "I heard the senior say Professor Xiao and Professor Wen, they seem to have known each other before, Professor Xiao seems to like Professor Wen very much when he was a student, but because of various reasons We separated... Then Professor Xiao came to our school just for Professor Wen, it's really a beautiful love story."

A beautiful hammer.

I also stayed in the school because of Professor Wen.

Jiang Shuyi snorted.

She took a sip of wine, and slowly listened to Lin Siyun's gossip about the school's past, and she would laugh when it was funny, but as long as it was about Professor Wen, the more she listened, the more uncomfortable she became.

Somehow, this Omega can always stimulate her sensitive and fragile nerves today.

Jiang Shuyi swallowed his wine.

after an hour.

Jiang Shuyi sat at the door of the toilet and burst into tears, "I'm really unlucky for eight lifetimes!"

"I didn't listen to what she said? I went to study, I went to run errands abroad, and I changed the data dozens or hundreds of times, right? I want to have a chance to do it all over again. I would definitely not take this course! If I still choose her as an instructor, then I have cerebral palsy!"

Lin Siyun sighed and wanted to cry, "Senior sister, you should go home, get up from the toilet after throwing up soon..."

"I... um!"

After Jiang Shuyi vomited, Lin Siyun thought it was unlucky to leave the restaurant carrying this Alpha who could crush half of the people she didn't understand.

Lin Siyun smiled and looked at her face, "Forget it, I forgive you for the sake of your pretty face."

"Senior sister, where are you taking you back?"

"As long as you don't go to the laboratory." Jiang Shuyi said with red eyes.

"Then, can you go to my house?"

Jiang Shuyi froze for a moment, somehow felt that the cold light hit Lin Siyun's face, making this Omega who was a few years younger than him look much more mature than usual.

Jiang Shuyi knew that this was unacceptable, just as he was about to refuse, a white SUV stopped in front of the two of them.

Just as Lin Siyun felt that the car was familiar, she noticed that the windows were slowly lowered.

"Come up." Professor Wen said coldly.

"..." Lin Siyun took a breath, and lightly patted Jiang Shuyi with her palm.

She looked at Jiang Shuyi as if she was asking for help.

Apparently Jiang Shuyi didn't hear her cry for help, and looked straight at Wen Yao who was sitting in the driver's seat.

"Ah, this is not good, is it? It's too much trouble for you." Lin Siyun showed a business smile and said to herself.

"You are all my students, and I am responsible for going out." Wen Yao's tone was businesslike.

"Ah, that's great, then thank you, Professor Wen."

Lin Siyun helped Jiang Shuyi and felt a little at a loss.

She didn't know where to sit in this situation.

If she sat in the back with Jiang Shuyi, then Professor Wen who was driving the car would look like a driver...

Of course not.

However, if she is to be the co-pilot, she and the professor will have a long conversation.

This, she doesn't want either.

Just as she was thinking this way, Jiang Shuyi opened the car door and sat in the co-pilot's seat with ease.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Lin Siyun, "This is my position."

"Then Lin Siyun, sit in the back." Wen Yao looked at Lin Siyun and said lightly.

"Okay." Lin Siyun happily closed Jiang Shuyi's car door, and sat in the back of the car.

"Jiang Shuyi," the professor nodded his seat belt, "fasten your seat belt."

"..." Jiang Shuyi looked at the front hazily, without any movement.

"I'm sorry, professor, senior sister seems to be drunk, let me help her with the department..." Lin Siyun hurriedly planned to get out of the car.

"It's okay, I'll come." Wen Yao glanced at the dazed Jiang Shuyi, unbuckled his seat belt, turned sideways and pulled off Jiang Shuyi's seat belt and put it on.

As soon as she plugged it in, Jiang Shuyi grabbed her wrist.

There was a sudden dead silence in the car.

Wen Yao raised her gaze quietly, her tone was a little warning, "Jiang Shuyi, I'll give you three seconds, let go."

Jiang Shuyi's eyes were red, like an angry child, "Are you a devil? How could you treat me like this?"

"..." Wen Yao didn't speak.

Based on the air pressure, Lin Siyun felt that Jiang Shuyi had finished playing, "Professor, senior sister is drunk..."

The professor didn't speak. After confirming that Jiang Shuyi's seat belt was fastened, he silently withdrew his hand and fastened his own seat belt, "Call her to my laboratory tomorrow."

Lin Siyun didn't dare to speak for a while, she felt that Jiang Shuyi had been sentenced to life imprisonment by Professor Wen.

Wen Yao started the car silently, and the orange lights flashed across the roof one by one.

Soon, the car stopped at a red light intersection.

Wen Yao stopped, tapped the steering wheel lightly with his fingers, and the air conditioner in the car was loud.

Lin Siyun felt that she was about to suffocate to death due to the cold air in the car.

"Are you and Jiang Shuyi dating?" Wen Yao glanced at Alpha beside him from the corner of his eye.

Lin Siyun glanced at Wen Yao in front of her, and answered concisely, "No."

"That's it." The professor's tone was still cold.

Terrified, Lin Siyun saw Wen Yao's eyes looking at Jiang Shuyi from the rearview mirror.

For some reason, she felt that those eyes were unusually gentle.


"Beep beep—"

Jiang Shuyi, who was in a drowsy sleep, reached out and picked up the mobile phone beside the bed.

"Hello?" Jiang Shuyi yawned, "Speak."

"Jiang Shuyi," Li Roujia on the other end of the phone spoke softly, "Where are you?"

"...Where am I?" Jiang Shuyi was stunned for a moment, looked at the ceiling, and replied leisurely: "I'm at home."

"Oh, it's good that nothing happened, so why don't you come to school?" Li Roujia tried her best to sound calm and not angry.

Jiang Shuyi immediately got up from the bed, and she looked at the caller ID and date on her mobile phone.

It was still October eighteen years ago.

"School? Isn't it National Day now?"

"..." The person on the other end of the phone took a breath, Jiang Shuyi felt that she was restraining her emotions.

Li Roujia sighed on the other end of the phone, "Didn't I say it before the National Day holiday? This year you are already in the third year of high school, and the holiday ends on the 4th. Today is already the 5th. You haven't come to school yet, you Do you really want to drop out of school? Jiang Shuyi, you still have to get your high school diploma, right?"

"..." Jiang Shuyi's expression froze for a moment, and he was more than half awake in an instant, "Oh, oh, I'll come to school right away."

"As long as you know-"

The person on the other side seemed a little surprised that she was so easy to talk, and hung up the phone after a few lectures.

Jiang Shuyi stood in front of the bathroom mirror a little tired.

Looking at the face in the mirror that was not much different from his own, Jiang Shuyi squeezed out the toothpaste and began to brush his teeth.

She hadn't been a high school student for six years, and she was actually at a loss when she wore Jiang Shuyi, who had the same name and surname as herself.

She just can't adapt to the routine that requires going to bed early and getting up early.

It's just that, similarly, she also adapts quickly.

Even though the Jiang Shuyi she wore was a school bully, they both had the same name, the same appearance, and she even had memories of this person's past...

Jiang Shuyi opened the wardrobe in the room, skillfully took out the school uniform shirt, and tied it on.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Jiang Shuyi still couldn't help being dazed.

"We do look alike..." Her tone couldn't be described as happy.


When Jiang Shuyi arrived at school, it was the third class.

There was no one in the class, and the blackboard in the class said, 'Third period, go to the laboratory building'.

She walked down the stairs slowly, and when she passed the teaching building of Senior One and Senior Two, many juniors and juniors walked past her, all whispering.

"It's Senior Sister Jiang."

"But she looks better than I imagined."

"She likes to fight, it's best not to provoke her."

Jiang Shuyi ignored the group of people and walked to the laboratory building pretending not to hear.

As soon as I stepped into the building, the get out of class bell just rang.

"You skipped class again?" The chemistry teacher looked at her and hummed, "Then wash the instrument with the monitor."

The teacher pointed to the things in the white plastic basket on the podium, "Part of the instrument has been moved there, you can also move the rest to wash with her."


Jiang Shuyi clicked his tongue, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and carried the instrument to the instrument cleaning room.

A slender figure was standing in front of the table cleaning instruments, and the soft October sunlight formed a nice contrast with that person's back.

It's just that the mild draft brought a familiar smell.

Jiang Shuyi didn't come to class for a few days this semester, and he didn't know who the monitor was, so he could only call out, "...Hello."

"I brought the instrument over, and the chemistry teacher asked me to wash it with you."

"Then please put it on the test bench." The squad leader who was in front of the cleaning bench ordered without looking back.

Although the tone was an order, the man's voice was pleasant to hear, and there was a feeling as if he had heard it somewhere in his indifference.

Jiang Shuyi shook his head, put the instrument on the test bench in the cleaning room, and in a blink of an eye, he saw a plastic bottle filled with water leaning against the door.

"...Why is there a bottle here?"

Jiang Shuyi yawned while picking up the bottle.

"Don't move." The person who was washing the instrument seemed to have noticed something, and turned around neatly.

When Jiang Shuyi heard the familiar command tone, his body instinctively dared not move.

As soon as the draft blew, the door behind Jiang Shuyi slammed shut.

Jiang Shuyi subconsciously turned his head and pulled the door, the iron doorknob felt a little cold to the touch, and did not move.

"Why can't this door be opened?" She asked suspiciously.

"The door can only be opened from the outside in and the bottle is there to keep the door from closing."

Jiang Shuyi turned around in despair, in order to hide her embarrassment, she blamed and said: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I said 'don't move'." The girl looked at her coldly.

When Jiang Shuyi saw clearly that face that was as indifferent and alienated as he was eighteen years later, the bottle in his hand fell suddenly, hitting his own foot.

Jiang Shuyi didn't know whether it was because of pain or shock, he coughed violently.
