MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 14

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Song Jinxi and Jiang Shuyi rode bicycles and galloped on the road.

Song Jinxi has not been out for a long time to prepare for the TOEFL test, but fortunately, he finally finished the test today.

The bikes of the two were riding very fast.

But Song Jinxi was a short distance ahead of Jiang Shuyi, and arrived at his home first.

"I won." Song Jinxi smiled.

"Well, you won." Jiang Shuyi got off the bicycle with a calm expression.

Song Jinxi felt that Jiang Shuyi was a little abnormal.

After all, she has known Jiang Shuyi since she was a child, and she knows that Jiang Shuyi is not willing to admit defeat and is as aggressive as a child.

If she loses, she must win back.

But today, Jiang Shuyi walked into Song Jinxi's house without saying anything, looking very peaceful.

Song Jinxi thought it might be because he hadn't seen Jiang Shuyi for a long time, so he felt that her temperament had changed a bit.

In fact, this change is very subtle, not in appearance, but just a feeling.

She felt that Jiang Shuyi like this was a little strange.

"Aren't you going to sing?"


In the past, Jiang Shuyi never refused such invitations. Song Jinxi thought.

"They said that you seem to be losing face recently."

Recently, Jiang Shuyi has settled down a lot, he doesn't go out to fight anymore, and he doesn't ask their former gang to hang out together.

"It's not a matter of giving face or not, it's just that my mother won't let me go."

Sitting on the side, Jiang Shuyi casually picked up the guitar in Song Jinxi's room and began to tune it.

Song Jinxi's hand, which was opening the refrigerator, paused for a moment.


In fact, this is also very abnormal.

Song Jinxi felt that this was not something Jiang Shuyi would say.

At least in the past, Jiang Shuyi would never say anything about not going to play because Tang Wenzhen didn't let her go.

In the past, Tang Wenzhen was often angry because Jiang Shuyi went out to fool around with those people, but because Jiang Shuyi and Tang Wenzhen had a bad relationship, every time Tang Wenzhen said something, it would intensify and stimulate Jiang Shuyi to do the opposite.

Song Jinxi glanced at Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi was still focusing on tuning the guitar while holding it.

Her long, soft hair hangs by her ears, her eyes are slightly narrowed, and there is no smile on her face, she looks very calm and serious.

Song Jinxi laughed teasingly, "Have you started listening to Aunt Tang? Or is the rebellious period finally over?"

She guessed that Jiang Shuyi would definitely choke back a few words, but unexpectedly, Jiang Shuyi just lowered his eyes and said indifferently:

"I can't always be a worry."

Jiang Shuyi changed. Song Jinxi felt a little uncomfortable with Jiang Shuyi's change.

It's not that her change is not good, after all, people will always grow.

Just a little strange. Song Jinxi thought.


On Monday, Song Jinxi went back to school.

Jiang Shuyi sat on the seat, looking out of the window boredly.

When he heard Wen Yao's name was called, Jiang Shuyi turned his head sideways.

Song Jinxi noticed that when Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao, his eyes made people feel a little pitiful.

Song Jinxi didn't know where this feeling came from, but when Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao, he looked eagerly like a puppy, with a bit of anticipation that anyone could see.

"Do you know that you've been watching the monitor the whole class?" After class, Song Jinxi looked at Jiang Shuyi dumbfounded and said.

After being told so, Jiang Shuyi immediately started to play with the pen in his hand, his eyes wandered, "What nonsense are you talking about? What do I think she is doing?"


Just as Song Jinxi was about to speak, Jiang Shuyi interrupted her with a guilty tone, "Is there any benefit for me to look at her? Who looks at her."

Song Jinxi looked at her reddened ear tips and couldn't help but froze for a moment.

To be honest, yesterday, she really thought that Jiang Shuyi had grown up by leaving herself alone, but seeing Jiang Shuyi's appearance now, Song Jinxi felt that she was a little unfounded.

The moment Wen Yao was mentioned, Jiang Shuyi was still as childish as before.



"Wen Yao."

Li Roujia waved her hand and called Wen Yao out.

Wen Yao walked to the office, and Li Roujia gave Wen Yao the scholarship application form in her hand.

"Just sign this document and send it to Mr. Zou in the school administration office, and the scholarship will be credited to your card as before."

"..." Wen Yao nodded, and skillfully signed his name on the document.

"Wen Yao." Li Roujia folded her hands in front of her.

Wen Yao looked up at Teacher Li.

"If you have something to tell the teacher, don't hold it in your heart, understand?"

"I know." Wen Yao lowered his eyes and nodded, without saying anything more.

"Is there still no news from the family?" Li Roujia looked at her and asked.

Wen Yao shook his head.

Li Roujia lowered her eyes and flipped through the volunteer form in the class, "Your volunteer form hasn't been handed in yet, are you worried about the guardian?"

"No," Wen Yao shook his head, "It's just that I'm not sure which university I'm going to."

"Really." Li Roujia looked at Wen Yao with some confusion.

"Your grades are very good, no matter which subject there is no problem," Li Roujia patted her on the shoulder, "As long as you study according to the current steps, there will be no problems, don't think too much..."

"I think with your strength, if you are admitted to university, you will have no problem getting a full scholarship."

"It's still the same sentence," Li Roujia sighed, "Your biggest problem is not studying, but learning to rely on others, Wen Yao."

"Don't hold everything in your heart, and don't carry everything alone."

"After all, there is a limit to what a person can do." Li Roujia spoke earnestly.

"Thank you, Teacher Li," Wen Yao nodded politely and interrupted Li Roujia, "I know."

Li Roujia looked at Wen Yao's leaving back and sighed.

Whether a student is listening or not, she can tell at a glance after being a teacher for so many years.

It seems that Wen Yao will never listen to this matter alone.


After Wen Yao walked out of Li Roujia's office, she planned to go to the administration building.

Li Roujia's office is on the third floor, one floor higher than their classroom floor, Wen Yao walked down the stairs quietly.

But before taking a few steps, I heard the stairs

"Jiang Shuyi, speaking of which, why don't you sit at the same table with the monitor?" Song Jinxi asked with some concern.

Wen Yao stopped her pace, and saw the familiar Alpha from the gap between the handrails of the stairs.

Jiang Shuyi unscrewed the mineral water he had just bought, and before he could answer, a boy walking behind them took the conversation in a slippery tone.

"What's so strange about this, I must be unable to stand Wen Yao's character."

"I can't stand being at the same table with someone like Wen Yao for a day, let alone Mr. Yi." The man smiled consciously and cleverly.

"I've always felt that Omega's hypocrisy, thinking that he has good grades and acting like he's great, is really uncomfortable."

"Li Hangxiao, you said that because you were grudged by Wen Yao's rejection of your confession in public, right?" Song Jinxi said a little annoyed with him, "If you can't speak, don't say it."

Li Hangxiao was touched by Song Jinxi, and snorted contemptuously, "She rejected me, and I don't care about her!"

"It's cold and boring, and it's not pleasant to speak, and it makes everyone feel embarrassed. Even if she agrees to me, I will shake her off!"

He anxiously said with a pale face: "And you see, that person doesn't have any friends at all, right? Doesn't that mean that she has a personality problem—"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Shuyi glanced at him coldly, "Shut up."

Li Hangxiao looked at Jiang Shuyi's eyes, and stood there stunned.

He was a little dazed, not knowing where he had offended Jiang Shuyi.

"If you don't understand anything, don't talk nonsense." Jiang Shuyi continued to warn.

No one else spoke.

But Li Hangxiao felt that he was being humiliated, so he couldn't help looking at Jiang Shuyi angrily,

"Isn't what I said the truth!?"

"Oh? Did she let you taste her pheromone? Otherwise, why are you protecting her so much?!"

Jiang Shuyi was taken aback when he heard this sentence.

Seeing her like this, Li Hangxiao got excited instead, "Oh, is it true? I thought she was so clean, but it turned out that it was nothing more than that—"

After hearing this, Jiang Shuyi was completely angry.

She directly kicked Alpha's kneecap, and her fist landed on the man's head without hesitation.

Li Hangxiao held down his forehead that was beaten, retreated timidly to the base of the wall, and swallowed his saliva.


Jiang Shuyi looked at his useless look, threw the mineral water in his hand on the wall, and walked down the stairs angrily.

Wen Yao watched Jiang Shuyi go down the stairs, and followed silently.