MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 39

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"Then what exactly will it take to make this person like dark chocolate again?"

"Hmm..." Zhou Jingtang was silent for a while when he heard this question.

"The purpose of this question is, do you want to make this person like eating dark chocolate again?"

He took a few steps forward and concluded.

Because his family is engaged in catering, he often encounters such problems.

Yan Jingshu chuckled silently.

After a while, he said with some reluctance: "...You can think of it this way."

"However, many people like this dark chocolate." Yan Jingshu added.

Zhou Jingtang looked distressed, "But, the person you mentioned doesn't like dark chocolate anymore, doesn't he?"

"Does she not like it at all?" Zhou Jingtang continued to ask.

Yan Jingshu remembered Jiang Shuyi's expression when she was talking to her, and she choked up for a while.

But she still didn't seem to care and said: "...I'm not sure."


Song Jinxi looked over at Yan Jingshu upon hearing the words.

She felt that Yan Jingshu, who usually behaved with a kind of pride and dignity in it, seemed to be defeated in an instant.

"It's okay if you like it a little bit, but if that person doesn't like dark chocolate at all, it's useless to sell it..."

Zhou Jingtang walked up the stairs step by step, not paying attention to the expressions of the two people behind.

"For example, some people don't like tomatoes, so even if there is a little tomato taste in the dish, that person can taste it."

"Sometimes, hating is such a straightforward thing, there is nothing you can do about it, hating is just hating, there is nothing you can do about it..."

Zhou Jingtang said concisely.

"Zhou Jingtang." Song Jinxi looked at Yan Jingshu's expression and wanted to stop him, telling him to stop talking.

"..." But the three of them had already reached a restaurant at the top of the stairs.

Not long after, everyone in the class walked into the restaurant.

The dishes are already served on the table in the restaurant, which is very common Chinese food.

"By the way, Yan Jingshu, didn't you say that many people like that dark chocolate?"

Zhou Jingtang walked a few steps and asked as if remembering.

"...Yeah." Yan Jingshu responded stiffly.

"Then why does it have to be eaten by someone who no longer likes it?"

Zhou Jingtang pulled out a chair and sat down, unfolded the towel, wiped his hands,

"Is there anyone else who likes it besides that person?"

"Isn't it okay to let other people you like eat it?"

Listening to Zhou Jingtang's question, Yan Jingshu didn't answer.

Song Jinxi lowered her head and fiddled with the bowls and chopsticks in front of her expressionlessly.

Yan Jingshu's eyes turned to Jiang Shuyi who came in with Wen Yao.

Jiang Shuyi quietly returned Wen Yao's bag to Wen Yao.

Wen Yao smiled at Jiang Shuyi.

The way the two stood together made Yan Jingshu feel a little glaring.


After lunch, Jiang Shuyi and Wen Yao visited several scenic spots together.

The afternoon sun is good, and the sound of birds is heard in the forest.

"I seldom come to such a park, but I think it's a good place to come here today."

Jiang Shuyi sighed.

Wen Yao didn't respond.

After a while, the two walked to the deer park.

They bought a basket of carrots and fed them to the deer.

The fawns here are very friendly to people, and they will come over immediately when they see people.

After the two fed the food with carrots, a deer seemed to like Wen Yao very much, and kept pestering Wen Yao.

When they were about to go out, the deer still bit Wen Yao's clothes to prevent her from leaving.

"..." Wen Yao glanced at the little deer, but said nothing.

"Play with it for a while longer?" Jiang Shuyi asked with a smile.

"Jiang Shuyi," Wen Yao looked at the watch on his wrist, "We should go to the next attraction."

"However, the next scenic spot is just the woods, but these little animals are so cute." Jiang Shuyi took La Wenyao's hand, and looked at Wen Yao with some hope.

"Wen Yao, you actually like small animals more, right?"

"..." Wen Yao didn't answer right away.

Seeing Wen Yao's hesitant expression, Jiang Shuyi immediately said:

"Since you don't hate it, let's continue feeding the deer instead of going to the next scenic spot."

Jiang Shuyi said on his own initiative, and immediately went to buy another small basket of carrots, and gave half of it to Wen Yao.

Wen Yao took the carrot.

The fawn just now was still turning around Wen Yao's calf.

Wen Yao patted the deer's head.

Jiang Shuyi didn't know who to envy for a moment, " really likes you."

Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi, and asked indifferently with some confusion: "Does it like me?"

"I think I like it."

Suspected by Wen Yao, Jiang Shuyi became a little uncertain.

"It sticks to you like this, doesn't it like you?"

Jiang Shuyi whispered a little unconfidently.

Wen Yao said calmly, "I don't think so."

"Why?" Jiang Shuyi was a little surprised.

Wen Yao touched the head of the fawn in front of him, and then handed the carrot to it, and the fawn obediently ate the carrot.

"The world of animals is very simple. Whoever treats them well will treat them well."

Wen Yao lowered his eyes and patted

"They will follow whoever gives them food."

"When I see someone who feeds me, I feel that that person treats me well, and I chase after him diligently, thinking that person will always give me food."

"However, if there is a second person who gives them food, they will definitely follow him diligently."

Her words were as cold as accusing animals of immorality.

At this time, a middle-aged couple holding carrots also walked into the herd of deer. The deer standing in front of Wen Yao saw that the carrot in Wen Yao's hand was gone, so he walked over to the middle-aged couple again.

Wen Yao hugged his arms, "Just like this, they will go away again..."

"Is that so?" Jiang Shuyi stroked the back of the little deer in front of him, "But isn't there a famous movie?"

"There is a story about a puppy who waited for the owner to come back because he didn't know the owner died."

"The loyal dog Hachiko." Wen Yao read.

It turns out that she also watches movies. Jiang Shuyi thought.

"Yes," Jiang Shuyi smiled brightly, "So, I think animals also have different personalities."

"There may be ones that can quickly adapt to the environment like you said."

"But there are also those that are very emotional."

Wen Yao looked into Jiang Shuyi's eyes, and responded lightly, "Really."


After returning from Forest Park, the students in the class took the bus to the hotel.

Li Roujia, the class teacher, asked everyone to decide to divide the room.

The students in the class were all sitting in the lobby of the hotel, chatting a little loudly. While waiting, Zhou Jingtang took out his own board game and started playing with the students in the class.

Wen Yao checked the list and found that there were still a few people who hadn't come to register for the room to get the room card.


Wen Yao looked behind Jiang Shuyi, but did not see the expected person.

"Where is Song Jinxi?" she asked.

"I don't know, she should be in the same room as me." Jiang Shuyi said.

Wen Yao checked the form, and then...

Wen Yao glanced at Yan Jingshu's name on the form, and then at Jiang Shuyi.

"I'll go find someone."

"I'll go with you." Jiang Shuyi followed closely.

"No need." Wen Yao disappeared in an instant.


At the bus parking area in front of the hotel, Song Jinxi helped Yan Jingshu drag the suitcase down.

Yan Jingshu dragged the suitcase, and the keychain on the satchel fell to the ground.

Song Jinxi picked it up, "Yan Jing..."

Yan Jingshu didn't look back.

Song Jinxi looked at Yan Jingshu's back and said nothing.

A person's back can speak.

In fact, Song Jinxi seldom sees Yan Jingshu like this, but he has seen too much during this time...

Therefore, Song Jinxi didn't know what to say.

The two walked to the door of the hotel.

Before going in, Song Jinxi asked Yan Jingshu.

"...what are you going to do?"

"What are you asking?" Yan Jingshu picked up a maple leaf and looked at it carefully.

Song Jinxi didn't speak, she believed that Yan Jingshu understood what she was talking about.

Not long after, Yan Jingshu smiled.

"You think I'm going to pester her? Let her come back?"

"I won't." Yan Jingshu said.


Yan Jingshu will always be superior, and the word entanglement is not suitable for her.

Song Jinxi thought silently.

"She doesn't like me anymore, it's the same when I'm friends with her." Yan Jingshu looked at Song Jinxi.

Song Jinxi's eyelashes trembled slightly. She was about to say something when she heard Yan Jingshu say quietly:

"Jiang Shuyi once liked me."

"I like me very much."

—I like how your little finger handled that string just now.

—The sound of your violin is beautiful.

——Yan Jingshu, the initials of your name are the same as mine, right?

— Yan Jingshu.


— Yan Jingshu, I like you.

"She really likes me."

Yan Jingshu looked at the lake in the distance, and raised her head proudly.

Then, she smiled slyly with some disgust, "However, she really has nothing but liking me."

"The only things I'm good at are fighting and playing the piano, and the piano is also very—so-so."

Yan Jingshu seemed to smile as she walked in front of Song Jinxi.

Song Jinxi stood behind her and saw Yan Jingshu's gentle smile.

"It's just that, now, the way she stands with other Omega makes me feel like she never liked me."

"It feels strange to me."

Yan Jingshu looked at the sky that was slowly turning black, her smile gradually faded,

"I thought she would always like me..."

"She is obviously a person who tolerates me and listens to me 100% willful."

"You know."

Yan Jingshu smiled again.

Song Jinxi knew that Jiang Shuyi used to be a person who could tolerate Yan Jingshu's 100% willfulness.

So she looked into Yan Jingshu's eyes and said nothing.

Yan Jingshu turned around and looked at Song Jinxi with a smile, "It must not be difficult to like someone who has liked it once, right?"

"I don't know." Song Jinxi dragged his and Yan Jingshu's suitcases with his eyes downcast.

She sighed silently in her heart.

After walking a few steps, the two saw a figure in front of them.

Song Jinxi looked at that person and felt a little bit in his heart.

Wen Yao watched them coming, and turned her back quietly.

"The grouping of the two of you is the only room in the class that hasn't been decided yet."

She shouldn't have heard anything, right? Song Jinxi frowned and thought.