MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 6

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Seeing Wen Yao's reaction, Deng Ningxuan's face turned white uncontrollably for a moment, he frowned, and said as if struggling: "Mr. Yi, your family and Wen Yao's family should not be on the same road, right?"

"Our family's driver came to pick me up, don't worry about it, no matter how far you drive, it won't delay you." Jiang Shuyi glanced at Deng Ningxuan with sharp eyes, "What? Do you have any opinions on my family's car?"

"That's not what I meant." Deng Ningxuan didn't dare to say anything more.

"Then it's all right." Jiang Shuyi tugged Wen Yao's shoulder, "Let's go."

"..." Wen Yao nodded slowly.

Under the surprised gazes of Deng Ningxuan and Xie Mengting, Wen Yao followed Jiang Shuyi out of the classroom silently.


At the school gate, the driver who came to pick up Jiang Shuyi was a middle-aged Beta woman in her forties.

She glanced at Wen Yao, then at Jiang Shuyi, "Send this classmate home first?"

"Yes." Jiang Shuyi sat up and put away the umbrella.

Without looking at Wen Yao, she said coldly, "Tell Aunt the driver where your home is."

Wen Yao was silent for a moment, and gave an address.

Sitting in the car, Jiang Shuyi looked at the lights slowly passing by outside the window, and snorted angrily.

At this moment, Wen Yao stretched out his hand and handed a piece of paper to Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi gave her a look in disbelief, but didn't take it, his eyes kept looking at what she meant.

"Your shoulder," Wen Yao pointed at Jiang Shuyi's shoulder, and said flatly as always, "it's wet."

The orange light on the side of the road flowed into the car and hit her face very softly.

"..." Jiang Shuyi stared into Wen Yao's eyes, and reached out to take the tissue.

Her fingers lightly brushed Wen Yao's palm, feeling that even the palm of this man was cold.

It's just that the moment she took the paper, Wen Yao looked away uncomfortably, and frowned in displeasure.

"..." Looking at her like this, Jiang Shuyi felt angry again for some reason.

Jiang Shuyi slowly wiped the rainwater off his shoulders with the paper towel, and said in a sarcastic tone: "Student Wen Yao, don't you think you are quite casual?"

Wen Yao glanced at her, and said in an unpleasant tone, "Are you talking about me?"

Jiang Shuyi looked at the street lights outside, and hummed dully, "Didn't you say you didn't want to stay with me? But now you're sitting in my family's car."

"Not only that, you seemed to be following Deng Ningxuan just now."

"As long as someone helps you, you seem to agree. Isn't that casual?"

Jiang Shuyi said these words sourly, and looked towards Wen Yao.

Wen Yao's eyes drooped in a daze, and there was a distressing beauty in his frail face.

Jiang Shuyi regretted it instantly.


Jiang Shuyi actually just wanted to hear Wen Yao take back the phrase 'I don't want to stay with you'.

But somehow, the words came out.

She obviously didn't want to see Wen Yao show such an expression.

But the breath was still stuck in his throat, and Jiang Shuyi stubbornly kept silent, and looked out the window in a little bewilderment.

She was a little unclear whether she was angry with herself or Wen Yao.

Wen Yao raised her head quietly, and said coldly, "Then please put me down by the side of the road."

Jiang Shuyi turned his head with some dissatisfaction, "I'm different from you, since I promised to send you back, I will definitely send you home, don't think that I will let you go."

Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi, but said nothing.

Not long after, the car stopped in front of a small alley.

"It should be impossible to drive in the front." The driver who had been silent for a long time said, the road ahead is a small road that can only pass people, and it is difficult for the car to drive in.

"..." Jiang Shuyi glanced at the path without street lights and frowned.

"Thank you, it's enough to get here." Wen Yao got out of the car as he said.

The alley was very dark.

Wen Yao was very familiar with this seemingly dangerous place, and walked forward without fear.

"Student, wait a moment."

After walking a few steps, the driver ran over with an umbrella and hit Wen Yao on the head, "You will get wet when you go back without an umbrella. Use this to go home."

"..." Wen Yao glanced at the umbrella in the driver's hand, "Thank you."

"Although she told me not to tell you, Mr. Jiang asked me to give it to you." The driver smiled kindly.

"Then can you tell me that?" Wen Yao lowered his gaze.

"It shouldn't matter. I think she wanted me to tell you." The driver smiled steadily.

Wen Yao glanced at the car not far away. The people in the car could only see a shaking shadow because of the strong lights. They looked very restless, and they didn't know what they were restless about.

"The road is dark, be careful." The driver smiled.

Wen Yao nodded politely.


Jiang Shuyi watched Wen Yao's figure disappear before telling the driver to turn around and go home.

"...She didn't ask, why did you give her the umbrella?" Jiang Shuyi's tone was a bit awkward.

The driver looked outside and coughed, "I accidentally said that you told me to give it to her."

"Oh, it's okay, just be more careful next time." Jiang Shuyi pursed his lips and looked at the driver.

"So, she didn't say anything?" Jiang Shuyi's tone was very indifferent, but he sat up straight and looked at the driver expectantly.

The driver started the engine slowly, "She said, thank you."

"What about the rest?"


Jiang Shuyi looked at the driver with an obviously disappointed expression, "It's gone?"

"Why does this person talk so little since high school?" Jiang Shuyi's tone fell to the bottom.


As soon as late October arrives, Huanshi starts to become frighteningly cold, and an Alpha like Jiang Shuyi consumes a lot of energy during this season.

Jiang Shuyi is now an Alpha in her third year of high school. She is growing up and always eats a lot. She ordered a large plate of set meals and stood in the cafeteria. She didn't know where to sit.

Song Jinxi is going to study abroad after graduating from high school, and now she is trying to make up for her TOEFL score. Today, her mother is also locked up at home to study.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the overcrowded cafeteria, and suddenly saw a familiar figure.

Wen Yao sat upright in an inconspicuous corner of the cafeteria, swallowing food slowly and gracefully.

Jiang Shuyi swaggered over.

She changed tactics.

Thinking about it carefully, she is now the tyrant in Chengbei.

Wen Yao is not his professor yet, if she hates him, why should he avoid her? It should be Wen Yao who came to hide from him!

If she doesn't like herself, then she will let her see it.

—I'm not feeling well and you don't want to feel comfortable either.

Let's see who is more angry than whom.

Jiang Shuyi thought with some dissatisfaction.

Jiang Shuyi took his own plate and sat down without hesitation without even saying hello.

Wen Yao silently raised his head.

After Jiang Shuyi sat down, she realized that what Wen Yao ate was noodles in clear soup, the same as what she saw last time.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at the bowl of noodles, and couldn't help but pout, the nature of this noodles was almost the same as that of white porridge, making one suspect that there wasn't even salt in it.

"Can your noodles be delicious?" Jiang Shuyi looked at the bowl of noodles bitterly, feeling that something must be wrong.

"I don't pay attention to the taste." Wen Yao stopped his chopsticks and said lightly, "The first function of food is to satisfy one's hunger."

Jiang Shuyi finally understood why Professor Wen didn't like spicy food.

When I was in high school, I put it here to eat this kind of tasteless food every day. Isn’t it because of my sensitive taste?

"You can't do this," Jiang Shuyi put some of the vegetables in his own bowl into Wen Yao's, "Come on, eat more."

Jiang Shuyi knew that Wen Yao was obsessed with cleanliness.

Her current behavior can be said to be dancing on Wen Yao's thunder point.

For a clean freak, Jiang Shuyi can predict how suffocating and irritating this behavior is.

"You are too thin. For a high school student, you are too light. This is not good. You need to add more nutrients. The body is the capital of the revolution."

Jiang Shuyi frivolously clipped a few more.

She felt that Wen Yao was about to get angry.

"..." Wen Yao looked down at the more and more vegetables in the bowl without frowning.

Jiang Shuyi put away his chopsticks and laughed provocatively, "Hey, why don't you move your chopsticks?"

Wen Yao nonchalantly picked up the dish Jiang Shuyi gave her and took a small bite.

Jiang Shuyi was stunned for a moment.

The way Wen Yao eats is really good-looking, making people who watch it feel pleasing to the eye, just watching her eat, Jiang Shuyi feels that he can add a few more bowls of rice.

Jiang Shuyi's heart moved, he held his chin and asked:

"Do you eat this noodle every day?"


"Don't you feel tired?"


"But most people will feel tired, right? Look at me, I can't eat the same thing every day, I will feel uncomfortable, you—"

Wen Yao raised his head.

She is a person who can never speak when eating, she will never speak when she eats, and there is absolutely nothing in her mouth when she speaks.

Jiang Shuyi's repeated conversations obviously hindered her from eating.

"Don't talk while eating." She gave Jiang Shuyi a cold look.

It seems that talking upsets her more than taking food.

"Oh." Jiang Shuyi pretended to close his mouth.

But less than two minutes later, Jiang Shuyi raised his head and started to look at Wen Yao again, "Let me ask one last question..."

Wen Yao raised his gaze, and did not move his chopsticks in a polite manner.

"Why do you eat alone every day?" Jiang Shuyi looked at her and asked.

Wen Yao ate a piece of noodles slowly, without answering her.

After a while, she swallowed the noodles, and looked at Jiang Shuyi without any disturbance on her face, "Why didn't you drink Rose Bobo sea salt milk cap today?"

Hearing Wen Yao proficiently say that tongue-twisting name, Jiang Shuyi's world became peaceful in an instant.

Wen Yao glanced across at Jiang Shuyi who was blushing like a crayfish, picked up the chopsticks and continued eating noodles.

Jiang Shuyi remained silent, and put the food into her mouth quietly and quickly, her shoulders kept shaking, as if she wanted to leave this place, she looked towards the door escaping.

As long as Jiang Shuyi speaks, his mouth will rattle like a machine gun, and the current appearance is really interesting.

Wen Yao slowly took a bite of the vegetables Jiang Shuyi sent over, thinking leisurely.