MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 81

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"Wen Yao." Jiang Shuyi hung up the phone, looked at Wen Yao who was sitting opposite him, "My mother told us to go back."

"Hmm..." Wen Yao responded quietly.

The winter nights in Huanshi come earlier than those in Haishi, Jiang Shuyi glanced at the heavy sky, and then at Wen Yao's profile.

Wen Yao looked at the red bricks of the old house, without saying a word, the expression on his face could not be called bright.

The sentence she heard in the afternoon sounded in her heart:

- "Cold-natured".

Jiang Shuyi kissed Wen Yao's side face,

"My grandfather sometimes favors me too much, but you are not alone, I will love you, and my mother will help us talk about them."

Jiang Shuyi's palms were very hot, "Don't worry."


The two returned home, and Jiang Haichao and Tang Wenzhen in the room greeted them to sit down.

Everyone avoided talking about the afternoon's affairs.

There were many dishes on the table, Jiang Shuyi ate and talked about how they played in Haishi, the old man laughed after a while.

After a while, the old man took a look at Wen Yao who was quietly looking at delivering food in his mouth, and said slowly:

"You are too thin, eat more food."

"..." Wen Yao's hand holding the spoon paused for a moment, then slowly nodded, "Okay, I will."


Because of his age, Jiang Jinnian gets sleepy after eight o'clock every day.

After dinner, the old man went to bed first.

Jiang Haichao and Tang Wenzhen began to talk about the company.

Jiang Shuyi felt bored, so he got up and went to the bathroom.

Her and Wen Yao's rooms are connected together, and the bathroom is also shared. In the middle of washing, she suddenly called Wen Yao's name as if thinking of it.

"Wen Yao, Wen Yao."

Hearing Jiang Shuyi's call from the bathroom, Wen Yao put down the book in his hand, and walked unhurriedly to the front of the bathroom,

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot my pajamas..."

Jiang Shuyi's voice echoed because of the emptiness of the bathroom.

Jiang Shuyi gave Wen Yao the room she usually slept in when she came to the old house, so the clothes she wore in the old house should be put in Wen Yao's room now.

"Help me see if you have my pajamas in your room, take them for me, blue ones..."

Wen Yao looked at the sliding door of the bathroom and responded.

Wen Yao searched Jiang Shuyi's room for a long time before finding the pajamas she had forgotten.

"Little Wen."

Wen Yao held it on her arm, and when she was about to take it to Jiang Shuyi, Tang Wenzhen stopped her.

Tang Wenzhen always dresses very formally at home, even though the Chinese New Year is coming soon, she still wears a black casual suit jacket and a turtleneck sweater. Her current hair is almost as short as Jiang Haichao's, making her look decisive and neat.

Wen Yao knew that Tang Wenzhen was always very strict when she spoke, which made people think that she was a sensible adult.

But there is a decisive difference between myself and Tang Wenzhen.

There is no doubt that Tang Wenzhen is an excellent mother.

Wen Yao turned around and looked at Tang Wenzhen squarely, feeling her palms were cold.

Tang Wenzhen tilted her head and spoke softly, "Xiao Wen, don't take what Grandpa said this afternoon to your heart."

Wen Yao raised his eyes in disbelief.

"I made you worry, but I have nothing to do with it." "Jiang Shuyi's grandfather also had his own reasons for saying that." Wen Yao continued politely.

"If I were him, I would prefer my granddaughter to be with a child who has a healthy family."

Tang Wenzhen hugged her arm, looked at Wen Yao, and said as if teaching: "You don't need to be so polite or polite in front of adults."

"Children should act like children."

Tang Wenzhen looked at her face, and then slowly said: "You can treat this place as your own home, and Jiang Shuyi's father and I as your own parents."

Facing these few words that she had never heard before, Wen Yao felt that they were unfamiliar. She hadn't been in such a position of being taught for a long time.

She didn't know how to reply, and finally said, "Thank you."

"I think Jiang Shuyi also brought you back because he wanted you to call us Mom and Dad."

Tang Wenzhen's tone was close to affirmative.

"So you don't have to worry about these little things."

"..." Wen Yao didn't reply.

Tang Wenzhen looked at her like this, and said seriously:

"It must have been hard for you to be told that kind of thing by the old man in the afternoon, right?"

"No, I don't mind, Auntie."

"Don't be too polite, you can call me mom."

Tang Wenzhen looked at Wen Yao sternly, his eyes were very intimidating.

Wen Yao paused for a moment, hesitated for a long time and finally did not call out.

Tang Wenzhen nodded, affirming herself, "But you must be suffering."

"..." Wen Yao was silent for a few seconds without replying.

"No matter what the old man thinks, it's not something that should be said."

"Not everyone needs to have a healthy family, but building a healthy family and having a healthy family is not a prerequisite."

"I am the child of my parents, and also Jiang Shuyi's mother."

"As a daughter of my parents, I would be saddened to hear people say that about my family like you do."

"From a mother's standpoint, I'd be furious if I heard someone say that about my daughter."

Tang Wenzhen's tone didn't fluctuate much when she spoke, but as a mother, Tang Wenzhen's words really carried a lot of weight.

"Also, besides me and her father can help you, you can also rely on Jiang Shuyi."

"Although she looks like that, she is still very careful about your affairs."

"Don't hate Jiang Shuyi because of the old man's affairs, she likes you very much."

"I don't hate her for this kind of thing."

Wen Yao looked at Tang Wenzhen and said quietly.


There was a noise in the bathroom, the sound of water rushing to the ground, Jiang Shuyi's voice came from inside, "Wen Yao, Wen Yao, my pajamas—"

As if he didn't hear Wen Yao's voice, Jiang Shuyi yelled again in the bathroom.

"Wen Yao—"

"The annoying one seems to be coming out, you go quickly..." Tang Wenzhen frowned.


Except for the Spring Festival, Jiang Haichao and Tang Wenzhen seldom spend such a long time at home.

Although Tang Wenzhen and Jiang Haichao are Jiang Shuyi's parents, staying with them will not make people feel uncomfortable or restrained.

Because Jiang Haichao is a person who likes to read, and he often goes abroad to discuss business. He has been to many countries. On the table, he will tell very interesting stories, such as the story of being stolen by an elephant when he went to Thailand, or I met a famous rock band when I went to a manor in France, or I lost my passport when I went to a certain country...

"All of them who do business are good at telling stories." Tang Wenzhen concluded quietly.

When Jiang Haichao speaks, he always speaks eloquently, and he is very patient.

But sometimes Wen Yao would take over the topic and question it.

For example, the sects of Greece, the proverbs of philosophers, the geography of European countries, the origin of vocabulary and food, production methods, etc., she will question and correct them one by one.

Ruo Chao also replied, "Shu Yi, Yaoyao, good night to you too."

"..." Jiang Shuyi snapped his fingers.

Seeing Wen Yao's usual appearance, Jiang Shuyi walked up the stairs without saying a word.

Wen Yao felt that his ears were much quieter than usual, so he looked at Jiang Shuyi quietly, "What's wrong with you?"

"..." Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao with dissatisfaction, "I never called you" Yaoyao "..."