MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 91

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Although it was the weekend, Wen Yao woke up earlier than usual.

In a daze, Jiang Shuyi heard the rustling sound of Wen Yao putting on his clothes.

"..." Jiang Shuyi felt dizzy, and suddenly heard the sound of turning a book.

After a while, Wen Yao pushed her shoulder, "Jiang Shuyi, get up."

The bright light of the day came into her eyes, and Jiang Shuyi felt her head ache. She turned over and buried her face in the pillow, "I still want to sleep for a while..."

Wen Yao ignored her, "It's already eight o'clock, don't waste time."

eight o'clock. Jiang Shuyi wanted to sigh a little, she turned sideways to look at Wen Yao who was standing by the window, squinted her eyes and stretched out one of her hands, saying coquettishly, "Pull me up..."

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi's hand that was swinging back and forth in the air, and held it helplessly.

Jiang Shuyi took Wen Yao's hand, smiled and pulled it towards his hand. Before Wen Yao could react, he lost his balance and was hugged by her.

"Don't make trouble." Wen Yao pinched the corners of his eyes.

Jiang Shuyi laughed, but he didn't let Wen Yao go, "But, I'm going to listen to 'I Like You' in the morning."

She whispered next to Wen Yao's ear.

It can be seen that what Jiang Shuyi said yesterday was not false, she really wanted to listen to it twice a day.

Wen Yao turned around and kissed Jiang Shuyi's face, as if intending to replace words with kisses.

"..." Jiang Shuyi touched her face, obviously very happy, but she still hugged Wen Yao and did not let go, she closed her eyes and said, "You don't count if you kiss, I want to hear what you say."

Wen Yao was silent for a while, and after a long time said very bluntly, "I like you."

Jiang Shuyi immediately hugged her and laughed, "I like you too, do you want to sleep a little longer?"

Wen Yao took the pillow and patted the large animal, "... got up."

After waking up, Jiang Shuyi was brushing his teeth when he saw Wen Yao took out his suitcase and emptied it. Jiang Shuyi glanced at her, "Are you going on a trip?"

"Go home." Wen Yao said quietly, putting on her coat.

She turned her head to look at Jiang Shuyi, "Do you want to come too?"

"...Well." Jiang Shuyi didn't want to stay at home alone to do homework, so he hurriedly washed up and followed Wen Yao out.

The old building where Wen Yao lived was still the same.

During the daytime, because of the strong sunlight, you can carefully see the cracks on the gray concrete buildings, and everything is as bleak as if it had been swept away by a tornado.

Even though it was the daytime on the weekend, it was not lively at all, Jiang Shuyi held Wen Yao's hand tightly.

Wen Yao took out a key from his clothes and unlocked the door, and there was a creaking sound when he pushed the door.

The windows in the room have been repaired, and the plain curtains hang on one side, looking pitiful.

The house is still tidy and there are not many things.

The empty table, the empty refrigerator, and the old wardrobe, although tidy, looked very lonely.

Wen Yao quietly opened the curtains, opened the box, and put the books at home into it bit by bit.

"Let me help you too." Jiang Shuyi started to help as he said that.

With a little joy on her face, "Are you going to move all your things to my house?"

—It seems to be married.

"..." Wen Yao slowly put some leftover books into her box.

"It's not technically my home, it's just a house my dad rented for cheap."

"According to the contract, it will expire after May. At that time, it will be the exam season. It will be very troublesome to communicate with the landlord about paying rent, damage to the room and other issues. It is just a preparation in advance. "

As Wen Yao said, he got up and walked to the door, and opened the mailbox behind the door.

Most of the mailboxes are advertisements, because the mailbox in Wen Yao's house has been filled with all kinds of advertisement paper, so it is not obvious that there is anything important.

Wen Yao slowly took out the letters from the mailbox, sorted, checked, and confirmed.

After a while, she pulled out an envelope and quietly put the letter in her pocket.

Jiang Shuyi also walked over, she glanced very curiously, only an address and Wen Yao's name were written on the envelope.

Jiang Shuyi stared into her eyes, and asked curiously: "Who sent the letter?"

She intuitively felt that this letter was a reply to Wen Yao's last letter.

Wen Yao glanced at her without hiding it, "Someone you've met."

"...someone I've met?"

Jiang Shuyi puffed up his eyes after thinking about it, and said in a sour tone, "Little turtle?"

Apart from the classmates in the school, the only people she and Wen Yao knew together were her family and Xiao Jiayu.

Wen Yao looked at her calmly, then slowly looked away, and began to open the closet.

"So you gave Associate Professor Xiao such a nickname, did you also give me a nickname?"


"No, no."

Jiang Shuyi's voice was flimsy, like a primary school student whose prank was caught by the teacher with his hands behind his back.

—It seems that he has a nickname.

Wen Yao narrowed her eyes, she knew that this alpha was amazingly creative in strange ways.

Jiang Shuyi turned back to the topic, "I don't like him very much, I will be jealous if you write to him."

"It's not Xiao Jiayu."

Wen Yao said calmly, and slowly took out the spring school uniform. Spring is coming soon, and the spring and summer school uniforms should be taken away together.

Jiang Shuyi felt that he was in a much better mood, "Oh, who is that?"

Wen Yao lowered his gaze, "Didn't you see it when you came here last time? It's that person."

"..." Jiang Shuyi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered the man who smashed the glass.

"I will remit the scholarship I got at the beginning of each semester, and then send some related bills over there, but in fact, the scholarship is far from the amount I want to repay." Wen Yao said quietly Put the books in the suitcase.

"But he shouldn't have treated you like that, you were still a student at that time..." Jiang Shuyi complained a bit.

"He and my dad used to be friends, and before that happened, he was fine."

"In the final analysis, the person who owes the money is wrong, and the person who owes the money is my father."

Jiang Shuyi leaned over, "You can ask my parents to help you..."

"You have helped me a lot. I don't want to trouble you with everything. I want to do things within my ability."

Jiang Shuyi nodded, and then kissed Wen Yao, "But you can still rely on me more, and I also like to be relied on by you."


Jiang Shuyi took a look at the books that Wen Yao was slowly taking down, most of them were books related to history, philosophy, and social economy, and there were not many books related to medicine.

"Speaking of which, why did you choose our department?" Jiang Shuyi was a little incredulous.

Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi, "Actually, it's nothing. Considering stability and salary, in the end, studying medicine is just right for me."

"In the beginning, I just wanted a stable job, so I wanted to learn other things, but because of my family's affairs, the political review will be a bit difficult." Wen Yao said very simply.

"At that time, I chose between a private school with a high subsidy and University A, and finally chose a school with a high subsidy for staying in school. After graduation, I can stay in the school as a lecturer, and the subsidy is relatively higher."

"If you develop in the direction of scientific research, there will be a lot of subsidies and bonuses."

"I think about it now, but after studying for so many years, this is still the most suitable for me."

Considering a scholarship, I entered H University, which was not my target institution. In order to maintain my life, I chose to stay in school after graduation.

Although it sounds a bit embarrassing, Wen Yao has always lived an upright and aboveboard life.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao, and seemed to see how she racked her brains to survive.

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi, and changed the topic, "I'm really curious, why did you have the confidence to choose life and medicine in our school."

Jiang Shuyi hooked his back, as if admitting his mistake, he said in a low voice, "Because I'm interested."

"Interested?" Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi, with a suspicious tone, "You?"

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao vaguely, and whispered, "At that time, I was interested in the professor of life and medicine..."

Wen Yao hesitated for a moment, then turned his back, "Are you a fool?"

—I knew she was going to say that.

Jiang Shuyi turned around and pushed Wen Yao onto the wooden wardrobe behind her. She glanced at Wen Yao resentfully, "Who was the one who said he liked me yesterday?"

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi and didn't speak.

— Playing deaf again.

The two looked at each other, Jiang Shuyi couldn't help but bent over and kissed Wen Yao's lips.

After a while, Wen Yao also wrapped his arms around Jiang Shuyi's neck and responded.

When they were young, the faces of the two separated...

"Actually," Jiang Shuyi looked into Wen Yao's eyes and asked quietly, "Aren't you happy to hear me say that?"

Wen Yao turned his gaze away.

"...You are happy." Jiang Shuyi smiled and watched Wen Yao's reaction and kissed him again. For a while, the two could only hear each other's breathing.

Jiang Shuyi put his hand on Wen Yao's collar and unbuttoned it.

Wen Yao reached out and fastened the button back, "The room hasn't been cleaned yet."

Jiang Shuyi looked around the room that he hadn't come back for a long time, indeed some places were dusty.


Jiang Shuyi put his head on Wen Yao's shoulder, sighed, feeling very anxious in his heart.

After a while, she stuck to Wen Yao's ear, how about this, you turn your back to me—"

"..." Wen Yao frowned after hearing her thoughts, and said, "Do you usually learn these things?"

Jiang Shuyi couldn't help but shift his gaze when he heard her tone like admonishing a student, but he still refused to let go.

"Try, just once—"

Wen Yao half-pushed and was pressed against the closet by Jiang Shuyi. She rested her head on her arm, allowing Jiang Shuyi to kiss herself.

"..." Wen Yao turned his head, slowly clenched his fingers, and finally let out a breath.


Wen Yao slowly buttoned his shirt.

Jiang Shuyi helped Wen Yao tidy up the hair under the shirt, she seemed to like this moment very much.

Wen Yao's face was still a little red, Jiang Shuyi looked at her face and leaned over his head and whispered, "If you like, next time we can—"

"You can talk less, Jiang Shuyi."


Jiang Shuyi immediately shut his mouth obediently, and stood aside quietly like a mute, watching Wen Yao straighten his clothes.

"Jiang Shuyi," Wen Yao, who was arranging his collar, glanced at Jiang Shuyi, "I think it's better for you to change your major, before April, the application form can be refilled, think again, and make a careful decision. "

"But, I want to be your classmate."

"If we were in a different department, we might not be able to have lunch together every day." Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao.

"As I said just now, I chose this major out of my own needs, but you should also know that this is not suitable for you." Wen Yao said sternly.

"And, you know my situation. I might graduate faster."


It is true that the heavens are unfair and did not give Jiang Shuyi and Wen Yao the same brains.

She had postponed her university studies, but Wen Yao in front of her was at the professor level. It could be seen that she even wanted to skip a grade now. Maybe when she was in her junior year, she would already be a Ph.D. The school lecturers have all changed.


Jiang Shuyi was silent for a moment and looked at Wen Yao, "Speaking of which, why did you delay me at that time?"